Dear me,
I'm going to make you so proud one day. I promise that I'll never give up, never lose hope, always have patience and realize that today I'm one step closer to my dreams than I was yesterday. It will be worth it in the end.
I hope you still are the cheerful person your past self was, which is, the present me. I hope you're stronger than I am now. Mentally and psychically. I hope you don't let the bad things get to you. I hope you've not turned into a bitter person. I hope you are the same in love with life, smiling and loving person. More than anything and everything, all I want is for you to never lose your optimistic side and to also spread joy wherever you go. Last but not least, remember what you learnt in the XTMPI Social Emotional Public Speaking course and do make a difference in the world. remember: It is not about you... it is about them, the people, a better world. And YOU and your Voice Can and Will make a difference!